vraag en antwoord
Vaak krijg ik vragen over mijn werk, over de spirituele wereld en hoe ik begon. Er staat al iets op de pagina "Monique" maar ik kreeg ook de uitnodiging voor de podcast van mijn lieve vriendin en prachtig medium Kerry Marie Callander die ik hieronder plaats. Gevolgd door vragen van een client. Beiden in het Engels.
Misschien zijn het antwoorden op vragen die jij ook hebt en vind je het fijn om dit te lezen. Voel je welkom.
Misschien zijn het antwoorden op vragen die jij ook hebt en vind je het fijn om dit te lezen. Voel je welkom.
When did you realize you were a medium?
Immediately after I decided to find out what it was that I have been experiencing during my life. I investigated my abilities and found that it all was very natural to me to talk with spirits from people and animals, doing healings, reading aura’s, looking into the past, the present but also getting glimpses of the future.
How did you get into mediumship making this your full time job?
When I started to learn more about mediumship my spirit guides gave me training in all kinds of ways of working with them. At a certain moment they made it clear to me that it was time to quit my job and make mediumship my work. So I made the decision to change ‘career’ and fully dedicate my time to sharing my mediumship with everyone.
Do you see individual spirits for instance or hear voices etc?
There are clair senses that mediums use to communicate with. For me the main clairs are seeing, hearing, feeling and knowing. It is not always the same with every contact or reading. It differs in the way I get it, but feeling (clairsentient) is always involved in everything.
So I see spirit or hear and feel them and know information.
The way they show themselves or present themselves is up to the spirit and their aim for meeting my client. They have to make clear to my client that they are who they say. So they have to come with evidence that my client can confirm and it so often amazes me how they do that and how effective they work.’
What is the spirit world like? Is it heaven with lots of people hanging out on clouds for instance?!
Lol, that would be funny, but boring too if you ask me. In any case I haven’t heard spirit call it like that so far, but who knows maybe someone in the future will tell me this.
Life goes on when it is finished here. We move to the next world and continue our lives. There is eternal progress of the human soul. So we can continue to grow as a person at our own pace. There are worlds to explore, libraries, gardens, you name it. Often spirits come forward telling about their life in the next world, who they meet and what they keep themselves busy with.
What do you believe happens when people die?
We go through what is often called the ‘veil’. The soul leaves the body as it has often done at night when we sleep, but this time the silver cord that is keeping us attached to the body will break so we cannot return to it. At the other side we are often met by someone we are very close with and is dear to us who will guide us along. There will be a very strong pull from the other world or a bright white light that draws us in.
Do you have a spiritual guide?
Yes I do. We all have guides and angels who are there to help us on our journey in this world. What they are like is different for each and everyone.
You don’t work with guides in the sense that you ask them and they tell you what to do. They don’t need to be doing that as it is your life and you have free will to decide whatever you want.
But at some point before you were born, you and them agreed about what you want to do in this life and what you want to learn. For that you need some experiences and milestones that set out your path so you can succeed in what you want to do.
Your guide knows about this and they know you very well too. So you agreed on how you work together in the other world.
We forget everything when we are born here but the contact is there on a soul level. They can inspire us in many ways to help us on our path without us realizing it. But they are there and they are there to help, guide, show, lead the way in whatever way is best suited.
Can anyone have a guide? How can us non-mediums connect with a spiritual guide in these difficult times?
We all do as I explained and we are all connected. They are always a thought away and all you need to do is send out that thought, a question or whatever is on your mind.
For people it is often difficult to understand as we work with time and with tangible proof. Any response that is given from the spirit world will be there immediately. Time and distance do not exist so we don’t need to wait for an answer.. As humans we hope to hear or see our guides and start looking for signs, while all we have to do is let it go and be open to whatever comes. Having said that, I don’t think it is necessary to ask as they already know. All we need to know is that they are there and to trust the process.
How can we connect with our lost loved ones ourselves in a way they recognise?
The same as with your guide. Send out a thought or even better your love. They too are only a thought away and will get whatever you send them or share with them. Most often they too are aware of what is going on in the lives of the ones they love and left behind. So just know they still care and are there.
What do you hope to achieve with your practice?
I hope that through the experience of mediumship my clients and students will feel more empowered and in awe of themselves and of life. But it is not what I try to achieve. I cannot make that happen, but anyone can do that for themselves and mediumship is there to help the process.
All I ask the other world before we meet is that my client may receive all that is best for them at this point in life. In that way I leave it open to the ones that are there for them to commune with us in the way they think is best. And that may be through confirming everything that you need to have confirmed. Or it may be in a totally unexpected way as so often people say “I never expected that” or “I never expected him/her”.
When I do a reading regarding your questions or an open session, I pass on everything I get for you. Often people feel they are really seen and understood and that itself is healing. Touching upon subjects in your present life, the past or even past lives gives clearness and understanding and healing too.
My clients often say at the end they feel empowered, inspired, much more trusting, more grounded and etc.
Mediumship brings understanding about life and the eternity of life. With that comes the implications and a different view to life that in my opinion is bringing life back into our existence.
Being in this world often teaches us to be very limited as beings. While we are so much more. We are a soul with a body (not the other way around!). We are all beings of eternity. We all have the sparkle of the God/Universal consciousness in us that is the life giving, creative part in us.
Being in touch with your loved ones in the spirit world can give you a different view on life.
What is your advice to people who are interested in using a medium to contact the spirit world?
Find a medium that appeals to you through hearsay or via internet. Go to your session with an open mind and allow things to unfold as they do. You are as much part of the session as are the medium and the spirit world, so an open mind and attitude will allow for the best energy to let the communication flow.
Don’t tell the medium anything about the person you want to talk to in the spirit world. Instead allow the medium to tell you who is there for you and give information that sustains that. Be open to talk to other spirits than the one you want to talk to as sometimes others present themselves for whatever reason they think necessary.
Often your questions are answered before you have asked them. If not ask them at the appropriate time.
What do you think of psychic influencers on social media or celebrity mediums like Tyler Henry?
We all have our part to play in this world and so many people so many ways of communicating. Tyler Henry has his own signature in working, like we all do. He serves the spirit world and this world in his unique way.
What do you think people get wrong about spiritual mediums? Are there any misconceptions you think people have about what you do? Or the spirit world in general?
I think a lot of people don’t know what mediumship is. Some may have ideas about it being all airy fairy or elusive. When we meet I first introduce the way I work and their role in it before we go into the information.
Afterwards I am often told that I’m so down to earth and say it as it is. That I make is so simple and understandable. Or they didn’t expect we would have such a good laugh with their loved ones in the other world. Another thing what I have heard say is that they never expected emotional or mental baggage from years to be made understood and lifted.
Maybe there is the idea about what mediums do is give answers to questions about relationships, housing or fortune telling. However mediumship goes so much further. It is meaningful, in-depth, is always done in a positive way and is uplifting.
I find that the most underrated effect of mediumship is the healing that is experienced by people in and after a session. Healing can occur in many ways and have such a positive effect in life. It can turn things around and give energy to change life or be happy with what is.
The greatest misconception about the spirit world would be to think it does not exist. I don’t mind people thinking it, that is their view on life. But they wouldn’t be the first to have to come back on that after they pass :)
What do you wish more people knew about the spirit world and what happens to our loved ones when they pass?
All there is to know about it :) But most of all that we are met with love and care when we pass. There is no one there to judge us as many think. Instead we ourselves will look back on everything in our lives and see what it meant to us and what it did to others. We wil come to our own conclusions.
Furthermore, there is so much humor, wisdom and love for us and in us that there can never be a shortage of it. Those are the most important ingredients of life and of all of us.
If only we knew we wouldn’t have to fight to be loved or accepted or be seen and heard. There would be no more need for wars, greed, envy and jealousy.
And the beautiful thing is we don’t have to die to experience it, we can all experience that in this life if we put our mind to it.
What is the most interesting/memorable reading you’ve done and why?
That is hard to say as are so many that I wouldn’t know what to choose plus there is privacy of my clients that I respect.
In general I can say this.
There have been young children that were scared of the spirit world and were afraid to sleep, who after the session felt encouraged and had no problem with that anymore. I got messages from parents saying that ever since the session they slept through the night. How wonderful is this that these children can move on more empowered and with a good nights rest.
I once saw a beautiful young man from America for a session. Half a year later I saw him on tv in The voice of Holland talk about the medium, me, that gave him a message from his great grandfather that he would be auditing on this show and jury member Anouk would turn and he would join her group. He called me later to say all I said came true. This so proofs that the other world is there for us and even know what will take place in the future.
Amazing love and healing with the lady from Zambia who came to see me on a whim. She didn’t need to ask me anything as she got to talk to her little boy immediately. He passed to the spirit world age 4 and had loads to tell her. She recognised everything he said. Weeks later she wrote me to say how much peace it had given her and her family to know this about their little boy.
The man that didn’t know what were the inexplicable occurrences in his life and got to experience a past life that explained it all. There is more to this life than just this life is what is an interesting fact in this story.
Also I am so grateful when the spirit world and I can make my client aware, feel, that they are there and sometimes even experience the communication. It is so healing and there is so much love.
There are other stories shared by clients on my website www.spirittalks.nl under ’References’ or in Dutch ‘Ervaringsverhalen’.
©Monique van den Bel, Spirit Talks mediumschap
When did you realize you were a medium?
Immediately after I decided to find out what it was that I have been experiencing during my life. I investigated my abilities and found that it all was very natural to me to talk with spirits from people and animals, doing healings, reading aura’s, looking into the past, the present but also getting glimpses of the future.
How did you get into mediumship making this your full time job?
When I started to learn more about mediumship my spirit guides gave me training in all kinds of ways of working with them. At a certain moment they made it clear to me that it was time to quit my job and make mediumship my work. So I made the decision to change ‘career’ and fully dedicate my time to sharing my mediumship with everyone.
Do you see individual spirits for instance or hear voices etc?
There are clair senses that mediums use to communicate with. For me the main clairs are seeing, hearing, feeling and knowing. It is not always the same with every contact or reading. It differs in the way I get it, but feeling (clairsentient) is always involved in everything.
So I see spirit or hear and feel them and know information.
The way they show themselves or present themselves is up to the spirit and their aim for meeting my client. They have to make clear to my client that they are who they say. So they have to come with evidence that my client can confirm and it so often amazes me how they do that and how effective they work.’
What is the spirit world like? Is it heaven with lots of people hanging out on clouds for instance?!
Lol, that would be funny, but boring too if you ask me. In any case I haven’t heard spirit call it like that so far, but who knows maybe someone in the future will tell me this.
Life goes on when it is finished here. We move to the next world and continue our lives. There is eternal progress of the human soul. So we can continue to grow as a person at our own pace. There are worlds to explore, libraries, gardens, you name it. Often spirits come forward telling about their life in the next world, who they meet and what they keep themselves busy with.
What do you believe happens when people die?
We go through what is often called the ‘veil’. The soul leaves the body as it has often done at night when we sleep, but this time the silver cord that is keeping us attached to the body will break so we cannot return to it. At the other side we are often met by someone we are very close with and is dear to us who will guide us along. There will be a very strong pull from the other world or a bright white light that draws us in.
Do you have a spiritual guide?
Yes I do. We all have guides and angels who are there to help us on our journey in this world. What they are like is different for each and everyone.
You don’t work with guides in the sense that you ask them and they tell you what to do. They don’t need to be doing that as it is your life and you have free will to decide whatever you want.
But at some point before you were born, you and them agreed about what you want to do in this life and what you want to learn. For that you need some experiences and milestones that set out your path so you can succeed in what you want to do.
Your guide knows about this and they know you very well too. So you agreed on how you work together in the other world.
We forget everything when we are born here but the contact is there on a soul level. They can inspire us in many ways to help us on our path without us realizing it. But they are there and they are there to help, guide, show, lead the way in whatever way is best suited.
Can anyone have a guide? How can us non-mediums connect with a spiritual guide in these difficult times?
We all do as I explained and we are all connected. They are always a thought away and all you need to do is send out that thought, a question or whatever is on your mind.
For people it is often difficult to understand as we work with time and with tangible proof. Any response that is given from the spirit world will be there immediately. Time and distance do not exist so we don’t need to wait for an answer.. As humans we hope to hear or see our guides and start looking for signs, while all we have to do is let it go and be open to whatever comes. Having said that, I don’t think it is necessary to ask as they already know. All we need to know is that they are there and to trust the process.
How can we connect with our lost loved ones ourselves in a way they recognise?
The same as with your guide. Send out a thought or even better your love. They too are only a thought away and will get whatever you send them or share with them. Most often they too are aware of what is going on in the lives of the ones they love and left behind. So just know they still care and are there.
What do you hope to achieve with your practice?
I hope that through the experience of mediumship my clients and students will feel more empowered and in awe of themselves and of life. But it is not what I try to achieve. I cannot make that happen, but anyone can do that for themselves and mediumship is there to help the process.
All I ask the other world before we meet is that my client may receive all that is best for them at this point in life. In that way I leave it open to the ones that are there for them to commune with us in the way they think is best. And that may be through confirming everything that you need to have confirmed. Or it may be in a totally unexpected way as so often people say “I never expected that” or “I never expected him/her”.
When I do a reading regarding your questions or an open session, I pass on everything I get for you. Often people feel they are really seen and understood and that itself is healing. Touching upon subjects in your present life, the past or even past lives gives clearness and understanding and healing too.
My clients often say at the end they feel empowered, inspired, much more trusting, more grounded and etc.
Mediumship brings understanding about life and the eternity of life. With that comes the implications and a different view to life that in my opinion is bringing life back into our existence.
Being in this world often teaches us to be very limited as beings. While we are so much more. We are a soul with a body (not the other way around!). We are all beings of eternity. We all have the sparkle of the God/Universal consciousness in us that is the life giving, creative part in us.
Being in touch with your loved ones in the spirit world can give you a different view on life.
What is your advice to people who are interested in using a medium to contact the spirit world?
Find a medium that appeals to you through hearsay or via internet. Go to your session with an open mind and allow things to unfold as they do. You are as much part of the session as are the medium and the spirit world, so an open mind and attitude will allow for the best energy to let the communication flow.
Don’t tell the medium anything about the person you want to talk to in the spirit world. Instead allow the medium to tell you who is there for you and give information that sustains that. Be open to talk to other spirits than the one you want to talk to as sometimes others present themselves for whatever reason they think necessary.
Often your questions are answered before you have asked them. If not ask them at the appropriate time.
What do you think of psychic influencers on social media or celebrity mediums like Tyler Henry?
We all have our part to play in this world and so many people so many ways of communicating. Tyler Henry has his own signature in working, like we all do. He serves the spirit world and this world in his unique way.
What do you think people get wrong about spiritual mediums? Are there any misconceptions you think people have about what you do? Or the spirit world in general?
I think a lot of people don’t know what mediumship is. Some may have ideas about it being all airy fairy or elusive. When we meet I first introduce the way I work and their role in it before we go into the information.
Afterwards I am often told that I’m so down to earth and say it as it is. That I make is so simple and understandable. Or they didn’t expect we would have such a good laugh with their loved ones in the other world. Another thing what I have heard say is that they never expected emotional or mental baggage from years to be made understood and lifted.
Maybe there is the idea about what mediums do is give answers to questions about relationships, housing or fortune telling. However mediumship goes so much further. It is meaningful, in-depth, is always done in a positive way and is uplifting.
I find that the most underrated effect of mediumship is the healing that is experienced by people in and after a session. Healing can occur in many ways and have such a positive effect in life. It can turn things around and give energy to change life or be happy with what is.
The greatest misconception about the spirit world would be to think it does not exist. I don’t mind people thinking it, that is their view on life. But they wouldn’t be the first to have to come back on that after they pass :)
What do you wish more people knew about the spirit world and what happens to our loved ones when they pass?
All there is to know about it :) But most of all that we are met with love and care when we pass. There is no one there to judge us as many think. Instead we ourselves will look back on everything in our lives and see what it meant to us and what it did to others. We wil come to our own conclusions.
Furthermore, there is so much humor, wisdom and love for us and in us that there can never be a shortage of it. Those are the most important ingredients of life and of all of us.
If only we knew we wouldn’t have to fight to be loved or accepted or be seen and heard. There would be no more need for wars, greed, envy and jealousy.
And the beautiful thing is we don’t have to die to experience it, we can all experience that in this life if we put our mind to it.
What is the most interesting/memorable reading you’ve done and why?
That is hard to say as are so many that I wouldn’t know what to choose plus there is privacy of my clients that I respect.
In general I can say this.
There have been young children that were scared of the spirit world and were afraid to sleep, who after the session felt encouraged and had no problem with that anymore. I got messages from parents saying that ever since the session they slept through the night. How wonderful is this that these children can move on more empowered and with a good nights rest.
I once saw a beautiful young man from America for a session. Half a year later I saw him on tv in The voice of Holland talk about the medium, me, that gave him a message from his great grandfather that he would be auditing on this show and jury member Anouk would turn and he would join her group. He called me later to say all I said came true. This so proofs that the other world is there for us and even know what will take place in the future.
Amazing love and healing with the lady from Zambia who came to see me on a whim. She didn’t need to ask me anything as she got to talk to her little boy immediately. He passed to the spirit world age 4 and had loads to tell her. She recognised everything he said. Weeks later she wrote me to say how much peace it had given her and her family to know this about their little boy.
The man that didn’t know what were the inexplicable occurrences in his life and got to experience a past life that explained it all. There is more to this life than just this life is what is an interesting fact in this story.
Also I am so grateful when the spirit world and I can make my client aware, feel, that they are there and sometimes even experience the communication. It is so healing and there is so much love.
There are other stories shared by clients on my website www.spirittalks.nl under ’References’ or in Dutch ‘Ervaringsverhalen’.
©Monique van den Bel, Spirit Talks mediumschap
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