31/1/2018 smileToday a lady came to see me who said it was three years since she last saw me. She was so happy with all that I had said to her that last time and the times before, that she decided it was time to pay me another visit. I listened to her telling me what I had said that she was so happy with. As I don't remember what I’ve said to her I’m listening to something new. I was hearing her say things that sounded like a job well done'. I thanked her for this feedback as it nice to know. It also made me smile thinking what a special kind of work I have. I never know what I’m going to get or what exactly will be done. I don’t have a script, an outline or handbook to hold on to. All I can do is put myself in the right energy to do a reading, to make contact with the spirit world and the rest is up to trust. Trusting the information that I receive, that what is conveyed makes sense and knowing what will come will be the best for that person at that point in their live. I trust that even though I don’t always know what it means, the recipient will. And afterwards I let go of it all. So it happens that someone returns with a big smile on their face telling me of a reading that I did and by doing that putting a smile on my face. What a nice way to start the day. 12/1/2018 Homesick | heimweeEN en NL
EN: I know a lot of people feel homesick. As a child they sometimes speak about their real home in another world. As an adult they often lose this and have to find their way home again. Being homesick is a feeling that I have known too. Even when I was at home. Homesick for a place that I didn't know but deep in me I felt. I couldn't explain or reason it. Until I took an interest in me, in my mediumship, in my nature. It was then that I knew I could visit that place or rather that I never ever really had left it. Seeing it and allowing it to be more present in my life changed me and made me feel home. We are all part of the Whole, the Universal Consciousness, God. Losing the sense of that in our existence in this world makes us feel alone. The longing for home, being homesick is a way to tell you there is something else that you need to find out about. To let you know what you are looking for is there always. ©Monique @Spirit Talks NL: Ik weet dat veel mensen heimwee hebben. Als kind spreken ze vaak over hun echte thuis in een andere wereld. Als volwassene raken ze dit meestal kwijt en zoeken ze hun weg terug naar huis. Dit gevoel van heimwee ken ik ook. Zelfs als ik thuis was. Heimwee naar een plek die ik niet kende maar die ik diep in mij voelde. Ik kon het niet verklaren of beredeneren. Totdat ik geïnteresseerd raakte in mij, in mijn mediumschap, in mijn natuur. Toen begreep ik dat ik die plek kon bezoeken, of liever gezegd dat ik die plek nooit had verlaten. Door het te zien en het meer aanwezig te laten zijn in mijn leven veranderde ik en voelde ik me ook hier meer thuis. We zijn allemaal deel van het Geheel, het Universele Bewustzijn, God. Dat bewustzijn daarvan kwijt raken in ons bestaan hier, maakt dat we ons alleen voelen. Het verlangen naar thuis, heimwee hebben, is een manier om jezelf te vertellen dat er iets is wat je voor jezelf moet uitzoeken. Om je te laten weten dat wat je zoekt er altijd is. ©Monique @Spirit Talks |
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